Instructions for Implementing KKN, PKL and Internships


Real Work Lectures (KKN) are managed by the UNM KKN Center and Field Work Practices (PKL) are managed by the study program. This KKN and PKL is expected to produce work/products based on the needs of the KKN and PKL location, and the objectives of the KKN and PKL program, Faculty of Sports Science, UNM Sports Science Study Program.

Students who can program KKN and PKL are those who meet the following requirements:

Registered as an active UNM student in the current semester
Have made UKT payments
Have filled out KRS and taken KKN or PKL courses
Have passed a minimum of 120 credits
KKN and PKL participants in groups (minimum 3 people and maximum 10 people)
The KKN location is chosen by the participant or determined by the UNM KKN center manager, while the PKL location is determined by the study program or participant/student and can be a government agency/institution, company, or community that allows students to apply sports knowledge, according to the needs of the KKN and PKL location. .
All correspondence for KKN and PKL activities is handled in the Academic Section of the Faculty and the UNM KKN center, in coordination with the Head of the Department or study program.
Students who take part in KKN and PKL can program courses for a maximum of 6 credits
Participants are required to wear KKN/Alma Mater jackets according to the provisions for each activity
Participants prepare banners for KKN and PKL activities at their respective locations and all the needs during the implementation of KKN and PKL.

The steps for implementing KKN and PKL are as follows:

Students register on the page
Students fill out the KKN and PKL forms via the link
Students prepare group work programs that will be carried out at KKN and PKL locations. This work program is 288 hours long. A description of the work program to be carried out is uploaded when filling in the KKN/PKL form (see attachment 1)
Students prepare individual work programs and upload them when filling in the KKN/PKL form (see attachment 2)
KKN registration at the UNM KKN Center and PKL registration at the academic section of the UNM Faculty of Sports Science from 15 to 28 January 2021
Meeting to determine KKN supervisor lecturers
KKN provision by UNM KKN Management and Center:
Release from KKN / PKL
The implementation of KKN runs with the assistance of Supervisors and Field Supervisors (from the KKN location).
The supervisor coordinates with the field supervisor at least twice during the KKN.
Students consult with their supervisor at least 4 times during the KKN process
Students fill in the log book during KKN (see attachment 3)
At the end of the activity, students prepare a KKN report and product articles. Articles include group articles (for group work programs and individual articles (for individual work programs). Article format (See attachment 4)
The KKN manager prepares an assessment form for supervisors.
Assessments are carried out by supervisors and field supervisors